About Us

Jim had always felt as if something was missing from his life and needed a creative outlet. Then he discovered the magical art of the Blacksmith.

Blacksmith Jim in his forge hitting steel creating a shower of sparks

From school Jim studied Optometry & Visual science at Bradford University and qualified as an Optometrist in 1996 and has been working in that field since. This has provided an interesting profession, but has never given Jim the creative outlet he has craved. In 2006 Jim saw a Blacksmith working at a craft fayre. He was mesmerised by the Smiths ability to manipulate the red hot steel into varying forms and shapes with hammer and anvil, that was it, Jim was hooked.

Jim proceeded to attended various Blacksmithing courses to learn the craft. He found that he had a natural flare for smithing and spent as much of his free time learning the various techniques to forge his way ahead in this ancient craft.

Since these early days Jim has set up his own forge at his home enabling him to take on his own commissions and allow his artistic side to flourish. He has since won prizes at the Royal Cornwall Show including 2nd in the Cornish Champion category, 1st and 2nd two years running in the Tools and Tooling category and reserve show champion in 2018. He has also competed in the live competition at the Royal Cornwall Show and in 2023 Jim has achieved a 1st and 2nd in the live competitions and Reserve Live Champion.

Jim has developed a real passion for hand crafting beautiful, bespoke knives and penknives using either tool steels, exotic steels or his own hand forged Damascus steel. He also uses both traditional Blacksmithing and modern techniques crafting artisan pieces either functional or sculptural to commission for his clients. Please have a look at the Gallery to see some examples of his work or get in touch via the Contact Us page

Not forgetting what first sparked his interest Jim can now be seen himself demonstrating at various local craft fayres and events. He can even be seen still working as an Optometrist at times (and yes he is particular about eye safety!) after all we all need to have plenty of string to our bow!